OOP Vs POP – Difference Between OOP and POP

As we know that all programming languages have a predefined mechanism to work with. These mechanisms are nothing but a set of structures and rules. These structures are known as Programming Paradigms. It’s not necessary that all structures are built on the same patterns. This is where the difference between OOP and POP comes in. Both concepts define the methods through which programming languages work. OOP refers to “Object-Oriented Programming” and POP refers to “ Procedure Oriented Programming”. These high-level programming languages solve problems with different methodologies. Check out our programming courses to skyrocket your skills.

The underlying feature that differentiates OOP from POP is that OOP works on object-based programs whereas POP works on programs that are divided into functions. According to the nature of the problem, programmers use these programming languages. There are a plethora of programming languages that work on machine code. It is the official language of computers as we know they won’t understand us in layman’s terms.

Difference between oop and pop
Object-oriented programmingProcedure/ Structure Oriented 
Task done through procedure or structureObjects are made that inherit the properties of a class. 
Program is divided into sections called functions Program is divided into sections called objects 
No entity accessing modeEntity accessing is categorized into public and private
No provision of Inheritance Inheritance is present in three forms including public, private, and protected 
Data is insecureData security through three modes including public, private, and protected. 

OOP vs POP: Difference 

OOP Definition and Characteristics


OOP is one of the high-level programming languages that work on object-oriented systems. Basically, the program is divided into objects that can make real-world scenarios. An object derives its features from a class where the attributes rea put by the programmer and further can be inherited to further classes. So you do not have to work from scratch for every class. 

Languages: C++, Java, Python

Concepts of OOPS 

There are two major concepts involved in OOPs that are objects and classes. 

  1. Objects: 

An object can be defined as anything we have in the real world including a human, bottle, chair, or any other object. In a computer programming language, these objects entail features from classes. 

  1. Classes: 

A class simply entails the properties of an object linked to it. In OOPS, there are mainly two components that are attributes and functions. Attributes define the properties and functions define objects. 

  1. Abstraction: 

Abstraction is the process of having properties in classes without showing intricate details. It just shows the functionality. It shows what it entails instead of how the properties are functioning. Abstraction helps in gathering details that further help in creating reusable codes. 

One simple example could be how fingerprint works in mobile phones. The fingerprint unlocks the phone without having to understand how it functions. The same way the ATMs or starting an engine works. 

  1. Inheritance:

In OOPs, Inheritance is the process of inheriting properties from an existing class or object. It enhances code reusability as you do not have to make codes from scratch. Under OOPs, there are multiple types of Inheritance including 

  • Single
  • Hybrid 
  • Multiple
  • Hierarchical
  • Multi-Level

One fine example could be how smartphones like Nokia and Apple have inherited the properties of old classic phones. 

  1. Encapsulation:

One of the best features of object-oriented programming is encapsulation which is the process where data is secured and binds all the attributes. It encapsulates all the data and restricts access. It regulates the maintainability, readability, and flexibility of the code.

  1. Polymorphism:

The properties are kept in multiple forms under polymorphism in OOPs. Polymorphism’ true value lies in sharing behaviors, so you do not have to make code from scratch. It refers to having the same object but different attributes or functionalities. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of OOPs 

Advantages Disadvantages 
Maintenance of code Large program size
Secured and Restricted DataRequire a lot of work
Re-usability and avoids writing from scratch Speed is notoriously slow
Redundancy of DataLearning OOPs take time
Benefits of Design that eliminates risks and enhances performanceOOP is challenging and cannot be used everywhere
the lower cost of developmentOOP is considered as an object and have to comprehend carefully to implement them correctly. 
OOP – Advantage and Disadvantages

POP Definition and Characteristics


POP works on functions that are broken down into a collection of routines. These routines work on a set of instructions in a systematic manner. The whole program is divided into segments called functions that work on a series of computational steps. 

It works on procedures that comprehensively solve a problem from a top-down approach. The process starts with segments called functions with their own distinctive features that further work in the whole procedure. Procedural programming as the name suggests works on procedures that works on functions. In order to complete a task, the functions are written. 

All programming languages work on instructions. In order to make procedural programming work, we instill a set of instructions that different further help in accomplishing tasks. As the functions are public, they are not more secure. 

Some examples of POP (procedure-oriented programming) are COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, C programming language, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of POP

Easy programming without carefully constructing objects or classesData is exposed to the entire software
Ability to graspReal-world objects are difficult to relate to
Simplified structure Versatility is limited
Functions can change anytime Operation of data is given more weight
Uses the top-down approachLimit the use of procedural programming 
Functions share global dataInability to reuse code
Memory need is reduced Difficult in error checking
POP – Advantages and disadvantages

Detailed Difference Between OOP and POP 

Lets look at the differential factors in OOP VS POP.

OOP is object-orientedPOP works on structures and functions 
The program works on objects and classesThe program works on functions that help in structuring 
the Bottom-up approachand Top-down approach
Data is controlled on its own Every set of data is different so there is no control 
New functions and data can be addedAdding data is difficult 
Inheritance exists in three different modesInheritance doesn’t support 
Data is hidden using encapsulation Data can be accessed 
Solves big problems Not suitable for solving big issues
Examples are C++, JAVA, VB.NET, C#.NETExamples are C, VB, FORTRAN, Pascal
Overall Difference between OOP and POP

Wrapping Up

These two high-level programming paradigms are certainly very useful for different purposes. OOP has an edge over POP as it has evolved as a rather new concept. We hope our blog on OOP vs POP cleared your doubts about both programming paradigms. But if you are looking for comprehensive classes on programming languages that too in your regional languages, visit TeacherDada today and get affordable courses from certified teachers.