Do you forget where you kept the keys or when your meeting is scheduled? Are you tired of keeping track of your to-do list on a daily basis? The brain degeneration is a state where our mind like any other part of the body, deteriorates due to gross negligence. Our brain and other parts of the body have some specific needs that we forget to comply with. And in the lieu of this, we forget to take care of each body part.
Earlier people believed that the brain is not capable of changing habits and how it functions until the advent of Neuroplasticity. It showed that the brain has the ability to change over time by evaluating its response. So, what’s stopping people from changing rigid behaviors and patterns of the brain that breed stunted growth?

The answer is nothing. You can easily improve your brain power and attain a flexible body with an elixir at your disposal: Yoga. With the best online yoga classes for beginners, you can activate your unlimited capacity and endurance. Not sure if this is true? In this blog, we have covered every aspect of how you are missing out on the strongest medicine at your disposal, Yoga, and 5 ultimate Yoga poses to attain the overall fit body that you need!
How Yoga is Best for Reducing Stress and Boosting Fitness?
Yoga is often subjected to improving flexibility and strength, but people underestimate its underlying benefits. Did you know that according to recent research in the Brain Plasticity journal, yoga is proven to have the best effect on the functionality and structure of the brain? Some of the major findings of this research include the brain-boosting benefits of practicing yoga only once or twice a week. It acts as a catalyst in improving injuries or back pain.
Check out some facts on yoga
The three benefits that help you elevate your mind to adopt health habits are as follows:
- Increases Memory Power:
A few minutes of online yoga courses from the comfort of your home proves to be a great way to deal with stress. And stress happens to be the main stimulant for losing memory power. Our brain is overburdened with information and with the multiplicity of tasks, you are bound to remember a plethora of things in a day.
Yoga resembles a scenic place with ultimate beauty that brings peace. It activates our ability to calm our minds and detoxify negative thoughts. Yoga helps bring inner peace and free us of stress relief.
- Gives Mental Clarity:
A daily practice of asanas yoga for beginners helps in elevating our clouded thoughts and assists in giving mental clarity. It has the power to enhance our intuitive ability which is, of course, a major factor in taking decisions every day.
- Builds Concentration:
And our above-stated points bring us to our third concluding benefit, which is building concentration. Concentration is a state of mind where we can pay heed to a specific task with all our brain power. Now it gets messy because of the mind-boggling tasks on a regular basis. This is where Yoga swoops in and acts as a major building block in improving concentration.
Don’t know what to practice in Yoga to improve brain power? Follow these to achieve benefits!
5 Ultimate Asanas Yoga for Beginners For Daily Practice
Here are best yoga asanas are listed for daily yoga practice. These asanas improve you stability and mobility and give good start for day. Explore the best asanas to include in your yoga schedule today.

- Halasana (Plow Pose)
Highly effective for the brain nerves, Halasana is an advanced yoga pose, representing an agricultural tool, a plow. The plow is used to churn the soil for seeds to sow. In the word, Hal means plow, whereas Asana means posture. This represents a posture like that of a field. This field is our basis for the rejuvenation of the whole body.

Do this asana in the morning or in the evening for 30-60 seconds holding this pose.
- It allows you to strengthen the muscles, shoulders, back muscles
- It helps in elevating metabolism and fostering blood sugar levels.
- Calming the rain and reducing stress levels.
- Gives you a stretched and flexible body with a stimulating thyroid gland.
- Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Padmasana comprises two words, Pada which means Lotus and asana means pose. It represents a cross-legend posture that deepens the mind. Like a lotus, it opens channels of different body parts fostering purity, enlightenment, and detachment. It is a meditative pose that is done with an empty stomach, early in the morning.
Padmasana is an intermediate-level Yoga posture that you have to hold for 1-5 minutes.

- Padmasana helps in improving digestion and keeps stomach issues at bay.
- It relaxes our mind and body and opens nerves for blood circulation.
- A few minutes of this posture not only reduces muscular tension but helps in normalizing blood pressure.
- Helps in relaxing menstrual discomfort.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose)
Ardha Matsyendrasana derives its meaning from the Sanskrit word “ Half lord of the fishes pose”. This pose is known for correcting the body posture and improving the spinal twist in the back. This pose instantly calms your mind and separates the toxicity from your calming mind. Get a toxin-free body with improved sleep with online yoga courses.

Ardha Matsyendrasana is a beginner-level pose that needs to be held for at least 30-60 seconds in the morning.
- It removes stiffness from your spinal cord and body from a stressful working day.
- It allows for a good digestive system with improved sleep.
- It detoxifies your body and mind on an extreme level.
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)
Sarvangasana comprises two words, “Sarv” means “anga” means body parts and “Asana” means pose. This yoga posture suggests comprehensive improvement of the body. This asana is also called the “Queen of asanas” because it improves all the parts of the body and opens channels for mindfulness.

Do this intermediate-level pose for 60 seconds in the morning to achieve optimum health.
- It helps in the stimulation of thyroid glands and stabilizes their functions.
- Keeps the body flexible and agile.
- It helps in enriching the brain with good blood flow.
- Bring relief from back pain, constant body pain, and headaches.
- Sirsasana (Headstand)
Sirsasana comprises two words: “Head” and posture. It denotes a posture done by your head. It is also referred to as the king of all asanas. This is a very advanced form of yoga posture that should be done only under the instructions of an instructor. Where this posture is difficult to attain, it renders multiple benefits at once.

Balance your body and maintain this advanced level yoga posture for at least a minute to a few.
- It instantly brings peace and calms your mind.
- It stimulates the pituitary glands and brings healthy digestion.
- This yoga posture has the ability to cure asthma.
Comprehensive Online Yoga Classes for You!
Don’t know where or how to start with the yoga poses? Try TeacherDada today and get comprehensive online yoga courses. Improve your health with certified instructors and experts. Our courses are made in a way that is suitable for every level of the student. Start with the best yoga for beginners to advance and enhance your body posture, mobility, and flexibility.
What do you get:
- Your time and space
- From the comfort of your home
- Special attention to each candidate
- From the best experts
- Budget friendly courses
- Learn yoga at your own pace
Enhance your lifestyle and prioritize yourself today with our best yoga for beginners courses at TeacherDada Online classes ! Thanks to the internet, now anyone can learn from their fav expert yogis the art of yoga and enhance lifestyle by taking out some time of your day! Follow us to explore the best advices and course on health and fitness.
Bonus Tip – Best online yoga classes for beginners
- Foundation of Yoga | Asanas of Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutations Poses by Ajay Daga
- Yoga for Beginners Certificate Course | Yoga Practice at Home by Sunder Bishnoi
How yoga helps in boosting memory power?
The researchers have observed that doing yoga regularly had a larger positive impact on the standard memory than those who had not done it during the same time and it also helps us to retain and increase the hippocampus (it helps us to process and retrieve two types of memory, spatial relationships, and declarative memories)
Which yoga asanas helps to increase memory power?

The name bhramari is derived from the black Indian be bhramari. Bhramari pranayama helps in calming down the mind and relieving stress and it is one of the best exercises to free the mind from anxiety, frustration, and anger.
Padmasana, is a Sanskrit name known as lotus pose and derived from two Sanskrit roots; “Padma” means lotus, and “asana” means posture. In this asana the body should be in a seated position and legs should be crossed and feet are positioned on top of the
opposite thighs at the hip crease. As it helps increase blood flow and relieve overall stress and its also beneficial for relieving the body of physical ailments of different types.
How quickly yoga affects the brain?

Yoga usually takes about 6-12 weeks to see the results although it varies from person to person and depending upon the regularity of the person this means along with postures and meditation.